Saturday, January 28, 2017

Newsflash #10 Just some Filler


Hello, welcome to Newsflash, where i normally talk about news and other. Today, i will be talking about some small things clumped into this. Now there hasn't been a lot of stuff i wanted to talk about because it's mostly (THE NEXT 4 YEARS) one thing. So the only thing i would talk about was that Roblox held a Guest survey. Therefore, the community thinks Guests might be removed.. But i do have some more things to talk about.. 
Australian Flag
1. Happy (late) Australia Day! I know it was late by 1 day AEST, but I wanted to say that because i had no time on the actual day. 2. Airplane Bathrooms are getting smaller. 3. Did you know that the seat kicker on airplanes are the most annoying air traveler (yep, worse than the crying baby). 4. Apple might be releasing a competitor for Netflix. It will include originals like Planet of the Apps. This rumour is not a new one. They will also include Original movies. Now they can have a better chance at the Video Streaming service. If you want to learn more click here -----> :D.. Anyway, that is it guys, i will try to post another big one soon enough. Bye!!

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